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"When working with groups David (Newport) is energetic and dynamic, and yet emanates an air of quiet calm, making him approachable for all members. He shows concern and consideration to ensure all are participating and comfortable with the work that they are doing."

RM, medical professional's feedback.


Imagine finding the best path, the easiest way...


Why use facilitation or consulting?

  • The purpose is to initiate valuable step changes in, and adaptations to your performance. This is done through delivering informed consensus and agreed, supported and impelling action plans.
  • Instilling a solution-oriented team atmosphere.
  • Breaking down the barriers of interpersonal distance, or distrust, by increasing shared space.
  • Stimulating personal connections to enhance communication and collaboration.
  • Eliciting new perspectives and insights.
  • Improving effective individual and team behaviour (orientation to target).
  • Generating conditions for a team to achieve a more valued performance, more efficiently (best use of resources).


As the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Carnegie Institute of Technology found many years ago, about 15 percent of one's financial success is due to technical knowledge, 85 percent is due to skill in human engineering - understanding people in order to better lead, manage and collaborate. Our approach is about the 85% not the 15.



You provide a core topic or issue, and access to appropriate stakeholders.

We create an environment where those attending can learn, listen, question, reflect, contribute and focus supportively.

You'll be encouraged to collaborate and contribute positively. Though the journey may be a roller coaster, at the end it's about achievement, positive outcomes and feeling great.



Any group of stakeholders appropriate to the area of concern or opportunity.

These can be multinational, all ages, any role, as long as the people are:

  • Accessible by phone, face-to-face, email or letter.
  • Have authority to take forward the actions they agree.

Areas addressed

Any team, organisation, community or area of society, addressing an issue core to your performance in the pursuance of your vision.


Next steps

Just contact us now to arrange an initial chat at info@effectivevision.co.uk.


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